Archive for help

PC Tips: Blank Screen When Right Clicking Video Files

Posted in Tips with tags , on 02/10/2009 by chickensiomai

On certain systems, right-clicking over a video file may cause the screen to go blank.  This is caused by the context menu option “Play on my” scanning all monitors to determine monitor types and mode for video playback.  To prevent your screen from going blank, you may remove this menu option from your PC by following the instructions below:

1) Click on the Windows Start button

2) Select Run

3) In the Open field, type in “regedit” and then press the OK button. This will bring up the Windows Registry.

4) On your keyboard, press the “Ctrl” button and the “F” button at the same time to bring up the Find search window.

5) In the “Find what” field, type “PlayOnMyTV” and then press the “Find Next” button.  After it returns a result for “PlayOnMyTV”, delete the “PlayOnMyTV” folder that it points to.

6) Repeat steps 4-5 until all “PlayOnMyTV” references have been deleted.  Then exit the Windows registry.  Once you have done this, you should no longer see the context menu option “Play on my” when you right-click over a video file and the screen should not go blank either.
